Fake Bag small
Fake Bag small
You‘re new everydayessential bag, is made of strong canvas and is very robust. Wear our small Tote Bag to gym class, school, grocery shopping etc.
This Bag is a perfect featuring with our large accessory bag
Fabric 100% Cotton
Size and Fit Heigh 30cm x Width 53cm Handels 60cm
Hand wash cold, wash inside out
Shipping policy We are a Swiss based company and ship worldwide!
CH delivery
Standart delivery - free shipping within 3 to 7 working days
Signature delivery - CHF 2.- registered within 3 to 7 working days
DE delivery
Standart delivery - free shipping within 3 to 7 working days, without taxes and duties
International delivery
Europa - CHF 5.- up to 10 working days
Rest of the World - CHF 15.- up to 15 working days